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One of the most exciting aspects of the USA Hockey SafeSport Program is the online training/education that is available to help our members become aware of the information necessary to help prevent abuse from occurring in our sport.  All CPYHA Coaches, Managers, Board Member and Volunteers who work on rules, policies or are in contact with any youth player are required to complete the trainingat no cost. 

The SafeSport Training and Refresher Training are each valid for one (1) season beginning on 4/1/20.  

All relevant individuals who need to be SafeSport certified or are seeking recertification will need to complete the new SafeSport training, which features updated content. 

Once you have completed the Core SafeSport Course, there will be a Refresher Course available for individuals who have previously completed the core SafeSport course and need to recertify. Users completing the SafeSport refresher course will be certified for an additional season.

PLEASE NOTE that you will need your own USA Hockey Confirmation Number or Referee Number and your own email address to access the training.  You can locate your number OR obtain a number here https://membership.usahockey.com 

If you will not be participating as a player, coach or referee, you can register at no cost under the ice manager/volunteer category to obtain your USA Hockey Confirmation Number. 

safesport reporting policy

USA Hockey’s Reporting Policy is a key part of its SafeSport Program and an effective reporting policy is crucial to preventing abuse.  Section IV of the SafeSport Handbook contains specifics on the Reporting Policy.  See link below.


An important part of our SafeSport program is the volunteer background screening, which Minnesota Hockey has had implemented for many years.  Minnesota Hockey & USA Hockey’s screening policy includes a set criteria for which a person may be disqualified and prohibited from serving as an employee or volunteer of Minnesota Hockey USA Hockey. Under the policy, Minnesota Hockey will not authorize or sanction any employee or volunteer who has routine access to children unless that person consents to be screened and passes a criminal background screen conducted by the Affiliate or USA Hockey.


Locker rooms, restrooms, and changing areas are places that youth players are particularly vulnerable as there is generally less adult supervision than at other times and places. Strict adherence to locker room policy enhances privacy, safety, and reduces the likelihood of misconduct.  Bullying, hazing, abuse and harassment can be greatly minimized with the presence of a responsible adult in these areas.  All local programs shall have a locker room policy published and available to parents of all minor participants that is specific to the facilities they regularly use.  See CPYHA's Locker Room Policy below.

*If coaches are going to be the locker room monitor, then you do not need a parent volunteer.  Parents that WILL be locker room monitors must register with USA Hockey, get a MN Hockey Background screening and complete SafeSport prior to being allowed in the locker room.